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Discover our different options :

We also, at the end of the table below, additional options. For example, a content change by our team is not enough in our pack # 1, then you can opt for one-time purchase of a change, etc. But also supported by our partner "referencing the pro" for your SEO (Contact Us) *.



1 pack

Pack # 1

€ 19,90 / month

2 pack

Pack # 2

€ 29,90 / month

1 domain name
Setup and hosting of your website
Compatibility on mobile and tablet
Administration interface to manage your web site yourself
Optimized for SEO
Full training
1 content change per year performed by our team
1 email address
2 content changes per year made ​​by our team
1 to 2 email addresses
A choice of themes pre-defined and modified at will


1 pack

Pack # 1

€ 19,90 / month

1 domain name
Setup and hosting of your website
Compatibility on mobile and tablet
Administration interface to manage your web site yourself
Optimized for SEO
Full training
1 content change per year performed by our team
1 email address
2 content changes per year made ​​by our team
1 to 5 email addresses
A choice of themes pre-defined and modified at will


2 pack

Pack # 2

€ 29,90 / month

1 domain name
Setup and hosting of your website
Compatibility on mobile and tablet
Administration interface to manage your web site yourself
Optimized for SEO
Full training
1 content change per year performed by our team
1 email address
2 content changes per year made ​​by our team
1 to 5 email addresses
A choice of themes pre-defined and modified at will


Table additional options :




Additional domain name with configuration and redirect € 4,90 / month
Additional email address (10 Gb) € 3,90 / month
Additional email address (20 Gb) € 6,90 / month
Adapting your logo formats web € 29,00
Taking pictures on the spot € 139,00
(Excluding travel expenses)
Creating a custom theme and only € 119,00
1 modification of content € 109,00


You want to improve your SEO ? For this, we recommend our partner referencement du pro who will position your site on relevant keywords ...


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